Blog revamp...and a little fish tale.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Well hello! Those of you who read our story and have kept up with our ever-changing world should notice the re-vamp of this here bloggy.  As we have started our life and become "contributors to the tax base of America" I thought our blog could use a re-vamp as well.

I was telling Fisherman's sister, who shall now be known as "Bossy Barbie" (a name she was given by her students) that I haven't done a blog post in a while - believe, me not for lack of blog topics - but because I have just been relaxin' and enjoying the summer.

I will say, however, that the full-on panic attack I had on the 4th of July as I went into Target to get sunscreen and s'more paraphernalia, was started by the early arrival of school supplies lining the shelves where the summer goodness once stood.

This summer, Fisherman and I traveled and are back to our usual vagabond ways - first a trip to Las Cruces, White Sands, then home - a real home of our own, then to our cabin in Vallecito, then some time at the Sandoval casa, then some time at the Fisherman's mom's house and Big Sky Country.  We've been in so many different places that the other night I woke up and for a split second had a flash of panic because I didn't know where I was.
The past week Fisherman has been attempting to teach me how to fish...go figure.  I postively LOVE the idea of learning a new skill and trying something I have never done, but I can honestly proclaim that fly-fishing is T-O-U-G-H.  It is little wonder that doctors do not perform surgery on their own family, because I can attest to a zenith in my level of frustration at learning this art.  For the past several months, he has been sending me articles that he has found online about wives and fishing, etc., but still, there is enough frustration to pass around for seconds.  I am however armed with my sassy determination, but can testify to a small tantrum two days ago wherein he was trying to show me some details of the finesse of the fly-line and "letting the back cast load-up" when I stomped my feet like a small child and proclaimed out loud and on purpose "I'M NEVER GOING TO GET THIS!!! {{punctuated with some very choice adjective phrases}}.

I am however, determined to learn.  My chief reason is that I LOVE my husband and all of his fishy ways {{wink}}!
Isn't he cute?!
It is important to me to keep trying, though he may kill me or vice versa.  Last reason to force my determination is I get to buy new gear {{squeal}} - I may even crafty up-style my very own fishing you think I can bling out a fishing vest and live to tell the tale er, fish story?  Check back...

...'til all the rivers run dry,

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